FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: HISTORIC LANDMARKS Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words historic and/or landmark, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on May 17th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Historic Landmarks will be published online and invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, May 18th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Denise Dumars

Morro Bay


            After the Morro Rock, Morro Beach CA


It’s a big fucking rock.

Otters swim in the bay

lots of little rocks on the beach

to make cairns stacked all over

this used to be a volcano

well, hell, no such thing as a dead one

the scientists say now

wish I could live in Morro Bay

and see the big rock every day

and the fat squirrels on the beach

and the fat seagulls and fat pigeons

and fat sea lions and fat tourists

just like me and man look how long that line

at the Foster Freeze is

it’s the most happenin’ place in town

which tells you how exciting the town is

and that’s why I’d like

to live in Morro Bay.


The Big Fig Tree


                        After the Moreton Fig Tree in Santa Barbara, CA


Because that’s a real thing

big enough to give a leaf

to Michaelangelo’s David for his junk

big enough to give the hitchhikers some shade

big enough to keep the developers

from chopping it down

roots like veins in a really buff dinosaur

fruit the ruddy blush of not your mama’s fig

and like every other thing in Cali just about

not a native but a transplant

not Adelaide Crapsey but Adeline Crabb

brought the tree from Australia in 1877

will someone please shout to my cremains

if it makes it to 2077 man that would be so cool.

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Marvinlouis Dorsey

I've  never seen a tree takin a nap