FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: HISTORIC LANDMARKS Send up to three poems on the subject of or at least mentioning the words historic and/or landmark, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on May 17th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Historic Landmarks will be published online and invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, May 18th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mary Mayer Shapiro

Statue of Liberty 

A regift from France 

First rejected by Egypt 

Symbol of freedom 

Torch in extended right hand 

Bible in the left hand 

So much for separation of  

Church and State 

Rebuilt on Ellis Island 

At the base a poem 

By Emma Lazarus 

The New Colossus 

“Give me your tired and  

Your Poor” 

Came by sea  

With quotas, restriction 

Looking for a better life 

More opportunities 

Worked hard, succeeded 

Left for a haven 

Now open borders 

Come by land 

No restriction 

Enter for different reasons 


Mentally ill, Sick 

Some for a refuge  

Better life 

A chance for everyone 

Not all take advantage 

Of a new beginning 

Ninth Wonder of the World 

An ordinary mailbox 

With stand snow, wind, rain 

Shooting rays of hot sun 

Worse of all 

Abuse from the mail lady 

Beaten up for twenty plus years 

Black mailbox 

Fixed on the post 

With two opening 

One in front 

Other in back 

Mail lady would push 

Mail through 

Landing in gully 

Or just slide mailbox 

Off the post into gully 

Breaking the back door 

And the flag 

Each Postmaster did nothing 

To stop her or write her up 

One Postmaster taped back door 

Tied string on the mailbox 

Put cardboard and brinks 

In front of back door 

Pole against back door 

Birds came through crack 

Build nest 

Put nest in newspaper sleeve 

Secured back door 

Mail lady put nest back in 


Postmaster General  

Do not return my calls 

Called police three times 

Clerk yelled at me 

Postmaster annoyed 

Said she would take care of it 

Heard them laughing when I left 


Ninth wonder still stands 

Proud to serve 

Civil War 

A war that should  

Never had happen 

Brother against brother 

Landmarks through 

The South 

A reminders of the time 

Statues, bridges, airports 

Schools, streets, buildings  

Named after people  

Who made a difference 

Who wants to remove these symbols 

Came to their senses 

Put them back 

A reminder of what 

Should have not happened 

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Marvinlouis Dorsey

I've  never seen a tree takin a nap